I read the book “Boy” by Roald Dahl. The book is about Roald Dahl’s childhood to 18. I’ve read a of Roald Dahl’s books. One I really liked was “Fantastic Mr.Fox”. It’s satisfying because Mr. Fox manages to gather so much food for his starving family and friends.
Roald Dahl was born in Wales in 1916. The book is mainly about his life in Wales and England, and his time at school. The contains lots of incidents from his childhood. For example he was in a car crash and nearly had his entire nose cut off. He very luckily had it sowed back on. Also his worst memory in Norway was when he went to the doctor and got his adenoids taken out and had tons of flesh and blood falling out of this mouth and it was very painful and shocking for him.
When he was 7-9 years old there was a sweet shop he liked to go to with his friends. But the sweet shop owner was a nasty old woman who always had very dirty fingers when she picked out sweets from her jars. One day Roald Dahl found a dead mouse underneath some floorboards in his classroom where he had been hiding sweets with his friends. He decided to put the dead mouse in his pocket and went to the sweet shop. When he got there he put the dead mouse in the gobstopper jar while the nasty old woman, who was the shopkeeper, was selling some other sweets to Roald Dahl’s friend. The next day the shop was closed. The same morning the shopkeeper came to the school and found Roald Dahl. The headmaster took him and his friends into his office and hit them on the bottom many times with his cane until they bled. When Roald Dahl got home his mother was very angry that her son had been hit and he couldn’t sit on anything without yelping. The mother went to the headmaster’s office and had a long argument.
On summer holidays Roald Dahl and his family always went to Norway to meet their relatives. Dahl’s mum first had a big rowing boat to visit many minature islands in Norway. But when she upgraded to a motor boat they could go to islands much further away.
The book “Boy” by Roald Dahl was a very interesting and detailed story of Roald Dahl’s childhood and life in general from 100 year ago.
Have you read any of the Roald Dahl books? If you haven’t, are there any you are interested in, like Boy? Please leave a comment.