Recently I’ve been watching the British Sci-Fi series Doctor Who with my dad.
We started watching from the 7th Doctor(played by Sylvester Mccoy). We’ve watched the first three stories: Time and the Rani, Paradise Towers, and Delta and the Bannermen
My favourite story so far is the third one, Delta and the Bannermen. The main reason I like it so much is because it’s the most interesting and complicated story. Also, the Bannermen had very funny suits and some of them have weird flags on their backs. But the Bannermen were very strong and could vaporise anything with their guns.
I think it’s the most funny story because the Doctor and his first assistant/companion(Melanie Bush AKA Mel) go to Earth but in the year 1959 and they are on a holiday with some aliens to go to Disney Land but end up in Wales at a holiday camp and as the story progresses, they find out that one of the aliens on the holiday trip is actually a alien called Delta that has escaped from the Bannermen who were trying to kill her entire species but she escaped with a princess in a strange green egg.
The Bannermen find out where Delta is when one of the aliens on the holiday trip tells them where they are, so that he can get the bounty prize for Delta, but in the end he gets vaporised and doesn’t get anything. And the Doctor and a local citizen overheard the conversation after going to a dance party and warned everyone at the holiday camp about the Bannermen attacking.
Everyone at the holiday camp evacuates and the aliens on holiday try to escape in their space ship but get destroyed by the Bannermen and all die(except Delta, who stayed). So to escape the Bannermen, the Doctor, Mel, Delta and her princess, all hide at a bee keeper’s house. The bee keeper and the Doctor decide to make a trap for the Bannermen by luring them into a room with lots of honey. When the Bannermen think they’ve found where Delta is, they get covered in honey and the bee keeper’s bees all attack them. After that the Doctor and the others go back to the now empty holiday camp(because all the Bannermen are still at the bee keeper’s house).
Delta’s princess uses a special attack of high pitched screaming and the Doctor uses a megaphone to amplify the sound to make all the Bannermen temporarily unconscious and tie them all up.
When the Doctor and Mel get to their Tardis, they find out that the leader of the Bannermen had fallen into his own trap, he had left a force field around the Tardis so that no one could get in but, all the energy of the force field was lost when the leader of the Bannermen fell into his own trap. So, the Doctor and Mel could get into their Tardis without being vaporised by the force field. One of the locals, called Billy, joined Delta and her princess to go back to Delta’s home planet. They used one of the space ships of the Bannermen to leave Earth.